Algorithms of learning and planning

My research programs seeks to understand the algorithms by which intelligent agents learn and plan, and how these essential functions go awry in human worry. I leverage a reinforcement learning framework to develop algorithmic accounts of learning and planning. I have developed expertise in clinical psychology, cognitive science, and computational neuroscience.

Scientific Publications

  • Sharp, PB, Eldar, E. Humans Adaptively Deploy Forward and Backward Prediction. (In Press). Nature Human Behaviour.

  • Sharp PB, Russek, E., Huys, Q., Dolan RJ, Eldar E. Humans perseverate on punishment avoidance goals in multigoal reinforcement learning. (2022). eLife.

  • Sharp PB, Dolan RJ, Eldar E. Disrupted state transition learning as a computational marker of compulsivity. (2021). Psychological Medicine.

  • Sharp PB,Miller, GA, Dolan RJ, Eldar E. Towards formal models of psychopathological traits that explain symptom trajectories. (2020). BMC Medicine.

  • Sharp PB, Eldar E. Computational models of anxiety: Nascent efforts and future directions. (2019). Current Directions in Psychological Science.